Title Načini prepoznavanja i rješavanja nepodudarnosti bolesnika i stroja za disanje
Title (english) Modes of recognizing and managing patient-ventilator asynchrony
Author Nikica Karković
Mentor Mladen Perić (mentor)
Committee member Slobodan Mihaljević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member DINKO TONKOVIĆ (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Perić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care in Surgical Specialities) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Anesthesiology and Reanimatology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Intensive Care
Abstract Nepodudarnost između bolesnika i stroja za disanje jedna je od najčešćih komplikacija koja se razvije tijekom primjene mehaničke respiracijske potpore. Procjenjuje se da se razvije u čak 24% strojno ventiliranih bolesnika, a specifičnost navedene komplikacije jest u tome što često ostaje neprepoznata. Brojne su štetne posljedice nepodudarnosti bolesnika i stroja za disanje: bolesnik se bori sa strojem za disanje, potrebne su više razine sedacije, povećan je mišićni rad, veća je incidencija ventilacijsko-perfuzijskih poremećaja i dinamičke hiperinflacije, a vrijeme koje bolesnik provodi priključen na stroj za respiracijsku potporu jest produljeno, što može dovesti do razvoja drugih komplikacija. Može se razviti pri korištenju bilo kojeg modaliteta mehaničke respiracijske potpore, a identificira se praćenjem i analizom osnovnih krivulja na zaslonu stroja za disanje: krivulja tlaka i protoka.
U svrhu prepoznavanja nepodudarnosti potrebno je analizirati krivulje tlaka i protoka u svakoj od 4 faze dišnog ciklusa: 1) inicijacija udaha, 2) faza udaha, 3) završetak faze udaha i 4) faza izdaha. Tijekom faze inicijacije udaha može se razviti nekoliko vrsta nepodudarnosti: neuspjelo ili odgođeno trigeriranje udaha, dvostruko trigeriranje te poremećaji povezani s osjetljivosti valvule: autotrigeriranje i neosjetljiva valvula. U fazi inspirija (faza inspiratornog protoka) pažljivom analizom krivulja tlaka i protoka potrebno je procijeniti jesu li zadovoljeni bolesnikovi respiratorni zahtjevi za protokom zraka. Nadalje, završetak faze udaha bolesnika (neuralni završetak) idealno bi se trebao podudarati s mehaničkim završetkom udaha stroja za disanje. Međutim, često stroj za disanje završi mehanički udah prije ili poslije neuralnog završetka što vodi u razvoj sljedećih vrsta nepodudarnosti: preuranjeni ili zakašnjeli završetak faze udaha. U fazi izdaha se nepodudarnost najrjeđe razvije, no potrebno je procijeniti adekvatnost trajanja faze. U slučaju prekratkog trajanja faze nema dovoljno vremena za izdah cijelog respiratornog volumena zraka, što može voditi do razvoja auto-PEEP-a. Nakon identifikacije nepodudarnosti bolesnika i stroja za disanje potrebno je poduzeti mjere rješavanja iste, a to se najčešće postiže podešavanjem osnovnih varijabli i parametara na stroju za disanje.
Abstract (english) Patient-ventilator asynchrony is one of the most common complications associated with mechanical ventilation. It is estimated that around 24% mechanically ventilated patients develop patient-ventilator asynchrony. The specificity of this complication is that it often stays unrecognised. There are numerous deleterious effects of patient-ventilator asynchrony: the patient fights the ventilator, more sedation is required, the work of breathing is higher, the incidence of ventilation-perfusion problems and dynamic hyperinflation is higher and the patient stays dependent longer on the ventilator, which can lead to the development of other complications. Ventilator-dependent patients can experience asynchrony in all of the common ventilator modes. Identification of asynchrony is performed by analysing the basic waveforms on the ventilator screen; pressure and flow waveforms. For the purpose of recognising patient-ventilator asynchrony it is necessary to analyse pressure and flow waveforms in all four phases of a breath: 1) the trigger mechanism, 2) the inspiratory-flow phase, 3) breath termination and 4) expiratory phase. During the trigger mechanism several different kinds of asynchrony can be developed: ineffective efforts, delayed triggering, double-triggering and two other phenomena associated with valve sensitivity: auto-triggering and insensitive valve. During the inspiratory-flow phase the patient's flow demand should be carefully evaluated, using the pressure and flow waveforms. Ideally, the ventilator terminates the inspiratory flow in synchrony with the patient's neural timing, but frequently the ventilator terminates inspiration either early or late relative to the patient's neural timing. Finally, patient-ventilator asynchrony is rarely seen during the expiratory phase, but it is important to evaluate the adequacy of the duration of this phase. If the phase lasts too short, there is not enough time to exhale the whole tidal volume, which can lead to air trapping and development of auto-PEEP. After recognising patient-ventilator asynchrony, it is necessary to undertake measures for resolving it. Usually, it is performed simply by adjusting the basic variables and parameters on the ventilator.
nepodudarnost bolesnika i stroja za disanje
mehanička respiracijska potpora
trigeriranje udaha
završetak faze udaha
krivulja tlaka
krivulja protoka
Keywords (english)
patient-ventilator asynchrony
mechanical ventilation
trigger mechanism
breath termination
pressure waveform
flow waveform
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:635905
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Dr Med - University of Zagreb School of Medicine Digital Repository
Created on 2018-12-05 08:52:47