Title Suživot s osobama kojima je dijagnosticiran poremećaj iz autističnog spektra: iskustva braće i sestara
Title (english) Cohabitation with persons diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: experience of brothers and sisters
Author Silvija Hinek
Mentor Ana Tokić Milaković (mentor)
Committee member Ana Tokić Milaković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ninoslava Pećnik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Buljevac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities Theory of Social Work
Abstract Odnos između braće i sestara nerijetko je najdugotrajniji odnos u životu pojedinca (Cicrelli, 1995.), a u obiteljima osoba s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra odnos između braće i sestara veoma je važan jer može biti prvi i najintenzivniji odnos među vršnjacima (Powell i Gallagher, 1993.). Braća i sestre tipičnog razvoja, nakon roditelja, najviše vremena provode s bratom ili sestrom s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra, a teškoće s kojima se susreću u odrastanju s njima imaju znatan utjecaj na njihovo blagostanje i prilagodbu (Corsano i sur., 2016.), ali i psiho-socijalni razvoj (Dunn i Kendrick, 1982.). Naime, uspostavljanje bliske veze s braćom i sestrama s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra može biti znatno izazovnije u usporedbi s braćom i sestrama s drugim teškoćama u razvoju (Tomeny i sur., 2017.). Iako su braća i sestre osoba s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra primili određenu pozornost u posljednjem desetljeću širom svijeta, ovo područje još je uvijek neistraženo u Republici Hrvatskoj i nema dovoljno intervencija usmjerenih na pomoć i podršku obiteljima osoba s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u iskustva braće i sestara o suživotu s osobama kojima je dijagnosticiran poremećaj iz autističnog spektra. Podaci su prikupljeni putem polustrukturiranog intervjua s četiri brata i dvije sestre osoba s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da je odrastanje s bratom ili sestrom s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra jedinstveno iskustvo koje sa sobom nosi pozitivne i negativne utjecaje na braću i sestre osoba s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra. Sukladno tome, potrebno je razvijati strategije podrške za sve članove obitelji, odnosno individualne stručne programe koji će raditi na posebno identificiranim problemima i izazovima svake obitelji koja potraži pomoć stručnih osoba. Također, braći i sestrama treba pomoći razviti potrebne vještine i pružiti im znanja koja će im pomoći da u potpunosti prihvate svog brata ili sestru kojima je dijagnosticiran poremećaj iz autističnog spektra, promovirati pozitivne aspekte njihova odnosa te im pomoći da se lakše nose s emocionalnim i praktičnim izazovima s kojima se svakodnevno susreću te reakcijama okoline.
Abstract (english) The relationship between siblings is often the most enduring relationship in individual's life (Cicrelli, 1995), and this particular relationship between siblings can be very important in families which autistic spectrum disorders occurs because it will possibly be first and the most intense relationship among peers (Powell and Gallagher, 1993). Aftter parents, siblings are those who spend the most of the time with their brother or sister with autistic spectrum disorder and the difficulties they encounter in growing up with them usually have a significant influence on their well-being, adaptation (Corsano et al., 2016), and also psycho-social development (Dunn and Kendrick, 1982). Infact, establishing a close relationship with siblings diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder can be considerably more challenging than it is the case with siblings that confront other developing difficulties (Tomeny et al., 2017). Although in recent decades siblings of a person diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder have worldwide been receiving some kind of special attention, in Croatia is this area still unexplored and there is not enough intervention aimed at helping and supporting families of a person diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders. The aim of this study was to get the insight of the experiences of siblings about growing up with person diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview with four brothers and two sister of person diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder. Research findings have shown that growing up with a brother or sister with an autistic spectrum disorder is a unique experience which brings with it positive and negative impacts on the siblings of people with an autistic spectrum disorder. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop support strategies for all family members, regarding to individual professional programs that will work on the identified problems and challenges of each family seeking professional help. Also, siblings should be helped to develop some skills and knowledge in order to fully accept their siblings diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. They should encourage positive aspects towards their relationships and also get help in coping with situation's emotional and practical challenges which will be encoutered in their environment on a daily basis.
braća i sestre
poremećaj iz autističnog spektra
Keywords (english)
autistic spectrum disorder
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:840953
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalnog rada (magistar/magistra socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository Repository Faculty of Law University of Zagreb
Created on 2017-11-21 08:54:37