Bergovec, Ana Master's thesis Defence date: 11.10.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Ivanušec, Nikolina Master's thesis Defence date: 30.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Grabovac, Martina Master's thesis Defence date: 26.09.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Golja, Marta Master's thesis Defence date: 26.09.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Kolarić, Ena Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 26.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Kukolj, Jelena Master's thesis Defence date: 26.09.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Tarle, Antonela Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 26.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Mrdeža, Matea Master's thesis Defence date: 25.09.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Dujić, Ana Master's thesis Defence date: 13.09.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Vusić, Maja Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 13.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Svetec, Paula Master's thesis Defence date: 13.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Maljković, Matea Master's thesis Defence date: 13.09.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Valjetić, Valentina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 10.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Juras, Ivana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 10.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Pavlović, Lora Master's thesis Defence date: 10.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Hubak, Lana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 10.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Planinić, Lorena Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 04.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Filipčić, Tea Master's thesis Defence date: 04.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Supina, Sara Master's thesis Defence date: 04.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Križanović, Antonela Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 04.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Srša, Sanja Master's thesis Defence date: 03.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Babić, Anja Master's thesis Defence date: 03.09.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Kliman, Sabina Postgraduate specialist thesis Defence date: 12.07.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Cindrić, Matea Ana Master's thesis Defence date: 10.07.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Devčić, Ivana Postgraduate specialist thesis Defence date: 10.07.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Mostečak, Martina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 10.07.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Gudelj, Ilijana Master's thesis Defence date: 04.07.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Ostojić, Diana Master's thesis Defence date: 04.07.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Šušlje, Lucija Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 03.06.2024. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Mužek, Ana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 05.03.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Dragičević, Kristina Master's thesis Defence date: 16.02.2024. Function: član povjerenstva |
Hartek, Monika Professional thesis Defence date: 29.09.2023. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Dujić, Ana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 12.09.2023. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Gudelj, Ilijana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 12.09.2023. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Grabovac, Martina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 20.06.2023. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Babić, Katarina Master's thesis Defence date: 30.09.2022. Function: član povjerenstva |
Andrić, Dora Master's thesis Defence date: 30.09.2022. Function: član povjerenstva |
Maruna, Petra Master's thesis Defence date: 30.09.2022. Function: član povjerenstva |
Zebić, Lucija Master's thesis Defence date: 30.09.2022. Function: član povjerenstva |
Sekondo, Marija Master's thesis Defence date: 30.09.2022. Function: član povjerenstva |
Topić, Miljenko Duje Master's thesis Defence date: 29.09.2022. Function: član povjerenstva |
Benarabi, Maria Master's thesis Defence date: 29.09.2022. Function: član povjerenstva |
Kosec, Iva Master's thesis Defence date: 29.09.2022. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Šepić, Andrina Master's thesis Defence date: 29.09.2022. Function: član povjerenstva |
Božić, Sonja Master's thesis Defence date: 02.09.2022. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Božinović, Ana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 02.09.2022. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Ugljarević, Mariana Master's thesis Defence date: 02.09.2022. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Jelinić, Veronika Master's thesis Defence date: 12.07.2022. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Franković Jovović, Ana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 12.07.2022. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Markus, Sara Master's thesis Defence date: 27.06.2022. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Mihalj, Tihana Master's thesis Defence date: 15.06.2022. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Strmečki Stakor, Martina Master's thesis Defence date: 23.03.2022. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Beketić, Karla Master's thesis Defence date: 23.09.2021. Function: član povjerenstva |
Zürchauer, Dario Master's thesis Defence date: 23.09.2021. Function: član povjerenstva |
Petrović, Ana Marija Master's thesis Defence date: 23.09.2021. Function: član povjerenstva |
Solomun, Matea Master's thesis Defence date: 14.09.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Čusak, Stela Master's thesis Defence date: 14.09.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Geček, Darija Master's thesis Defence date: 14.09.2021. Function: član povjerenstva |
Mirt, Maja Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 14.09.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Topić, Miljenko Duje Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 14.09.2021. Function: član povjerenstva |
Jakin, Mateja Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 14.09.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Duratović, Lucija Master's thesis Defence date: 14.09.2021. Function: član povjerenstva |
Ugljarević, Mariana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 14.09.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Markus, Sara Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 14.09.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Hojsak, Iva Master's thesis Defence date: 14.09.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Liber, Petra Master's thesis Defence date: 29.06.2021. Function: član povjerenstva |
Jelinić, Veronika Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 29.06.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Previšić, Antonela Master's thesis Defence date: 29.06.2021. Function: član povjerenstva |
Hodak, Nikolina Master's thesis Defence date: 29.06.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Habuš, Mateja Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 29.06.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Jakopčević, Željka Master's thesis Defence date: 23.06.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Marić, Maja Master's thesis Defence date: 18.06.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Radić, Gorana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 26.05.2021. Function: član povjerenstva |
Meštrović, Kristina Master's thesis Defence date: 14.05.2021. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Marić, Maja Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 28.09.2020. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Butigan, Nikolina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 24.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Geček, Darija Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 24.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Filipović, Lucija Master's thesis Defence date: 22.09.2020. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Stojanić, Dora Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 18.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Mirković Knaus, Ida Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 18.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Jurčević, Marija Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 18.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Duratović, Lucija Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 18.09.2020. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva Obrazovanje osoba s invaliditetom, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law |
Bjelan, Marija Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 18.09.2020. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Somić, Marija Elena Master's thesis Defence date: 18.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Blažeković, Maja Master's thesis Defence date: 18.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Dimitrić, Ivana Master's thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Šarić, Marija Master's thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Biškup, Patricija Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Šimić, Ivana Master's thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Ruklić, Nikolina Master's thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Kotvica, Anja Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Čusak, Stela Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Vuk, Antonela Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva Roditeljstvo i osoba s invaliditetom, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law |
Penđer, Katarina Master's thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Grgić, Mia Master's thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Liković, Maja Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Bautović, Katarina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Balunović, Tena Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Blagojević, Jovana Master's thesis Defence date: 17.09.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Jeličić, Matea Master's thesis Defence date: 30.06.2020. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Horvatić, Marinela Master's thesis Defence date: 30.06.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Gović, Josipa Master's thesis Defence date: 30.06.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Liber, Petra Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 30.06.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Previšić, Antonela Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 30.06.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Kljajić, Leonarda Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 30.06.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Kosec, Iva Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 30.06.2020. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Šimudvarac, Marijana Master's thesis Defence date: 27.05.2020. Function: član povjerenstva |
Delić, Ina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 27.09.2019. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Medak, Petra Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 27.09.2019. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Pleić, Matea Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 27.09.2019. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Prevendar, Mirna Master's thesis Defence date: 17.09.2019. Function: član povjerenstva |
Solomun, Matea Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 17.09.2019. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Balen, Ivana Master's thesis Defence date: 17.09.2019. Function: član povjerenstva |
Kovačević, Maja Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 17.09.2019. Function: član povjerenstva |
Sekulić, Ana - Marija Master's thesis Defence date: 17.09.2019. Function: član povjerenstva |
Perić, Ivana Master's thesis Defence date: 10.09.2019. Function: član povjerenstva |
Kolak, Valentina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 01.07.2019. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Božiček, Nikolina Master's thesis Defence date: 17.06.2019. Function: član povjerenstva |
Krasić, Matea Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 21.05.2019. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Filipović, Lucija Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 20.05.2019. Function: član povjerenstva |
Durdov, Anđela Master's thesis Defence date: 03.05.2019. Function: član povjerenstva |
Cvek, Mateja Master's thesis Defence date: 27.03.2019. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Balen, Vedrana Master's thesis Defence date: 27.09.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Konjević, Anamarija Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 27.09.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Henc, Lorena Master's thesis Defence date: 27.09.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Vučemilović Vranjić, Marina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 27.09.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Grlač, Karlo Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 26.09.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Dimitrić, Ivana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 18-09-18.09.2018. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Akmačić, Sara Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 18.09.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Poljak, Petra Master's thesis Defence date: 18.09.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Čeko, Dora Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 18.09.2018. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Rihter, Valentina Master's thesis Defence date: 18.09.2018. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Sajko, Vedrana Master's thesis Defence date: 18.09.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Tomičić, Valentina Master's thesis Defence date: 03.07.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Stilinović, Ivana Master's thesis Defence date: 03.07.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Matoš, Lucija Master's thesis Defence date: 03.07.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Božiček, Nikolina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 03.07.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Lozić, Klaudija Master's thesis Defence date: 27.03.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Lovrić, Jasmina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 21.02.2018. Function: član povjerenstva |
Jović, Tena Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 15.12.2017. Function: član povjerenstva |
Hribar, Djurdjica Master's thesis Defence date: 28.07.2017. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Ivček, Karla Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 26.06.2017. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Cvek, Mateja Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 26.04.2017. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Sečan Matijaščić, Ančica Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 17.02.2017. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Rihter, Valentina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 17.02.2017. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Jug, Lucija Master's thesis Defence date: 05.12.2016. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Durdov, Anđela Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 29.09.2016. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Lončar, Dijana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 29.09.2016. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Čeko, Mate Master's thesis Defence date: 27.09.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Berend, Helena Master's thesis Defence date: 27.09.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Šimatović, Marija Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 21.09.2016. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Tanković, Elena Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 21.09.2016. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Rabuzin, Tihana Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 21.09.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Levak, Kristina Master's thesis Defence date: 21.09.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Grozaj, Mateja Master's thesis Defence date: 21.09.2016. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Vidučić, Matea Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 21.09.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Tilinger, Ana Master's thesis Defence date: 21.09.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Šikljan, Sara Master's thesis Defence date: 21.09.2016. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Bekavac, Antonia Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 20.09.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Turan, Mia Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 20.09.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Črnila, Vlatka Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 20.09.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Jović, Katarina Master's thesis Defence date: 13.09.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Tkalec, Sara Master's thesis Defence date: 13.09.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Želježnjak, Kristina Master's thesis Defence date: 05.07.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |
Konicija, Kristina Undergraduate thesis Defence date: 05.07.2016. Function: predsjednik povjerenstva |
Bikić, Iva Master's thesis Defence date: 24.05.2016. Function: član povjerenstva |