Title Obrada površine polimera silanima
Title (english) Silane surface treatment of polymers
Author Irma Kremer
Mentor Domagoj Vrsaljko (mentor)
Committee member Domagoj Vrsaljko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonimir Katančić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Dejanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering in Material Development
Abstract Silani su silicijevi spojevi koji mogu reagirati s anorganskim i organskim supstratima ili sami sa sobom. Na anorganske supstrate vežu se reakcijama hidrolize i kondenzacije, a na polimere deaktivacijom silanolnih skupina, radikalskim vezanjem, te procesom kopolimerizacije. Silanska sredstva za vezivanje su organosilani i imaju mogućnost stvaranja snažne kemijske veze između organskih i anorganskih materijala. Koriste se jer poboljšavaju kemijsku otpornost veze na spoju dva različita materijala. Primjenjuju se za modifikaciju površine, poboljšanje adhezije, kao diperzivno/hidrofobno sredstvo, sredstvo za umrežavanje i još mnogo toga. Najvažnija primjena za ovaj rad je bila modifikacija hidrofilnih i hidrofobnih svojstava površina. Hidrofobnost i hidrofilnost se određuje mjerenjem kontaktnog kuta kapljice vode s površinom. Ukoliko je kontaktni kut (θ) veći od 90° površina je hidrofobna, a ako je manji od 90° površina je hidrofilna. U ovom radu je istražen utjecaj silana na površinska svojstva odabranih polimera. Tijekom provedbe eksperimenata težilo se postići vezanje tankog sloja silana na površinu polimera, čime bi površina polimera postala hidrofobna. Uzorci polimera PE-HD, PE-LD, PLA i ABS su bili uronjeni u otopine silana različitih koncentracija. Korišteni silani su Dynasilan DAMO, SIVO 160, SIVO 214 i 6490 proizvođača Evonik, 1H,1H,2H,2H- perfluorooktildimetilklorosilan proizvođača abcr GmbH (PFODMCS), Erdal Water Stop proizvođača Werner & Mertz, Bama Power Protector proizvođača S.C. Johnson Bama GmbH, Rain-X Rain Repellent proizvođača Rain-X, te Anti Aqua proizvođača Steuber GmbH. Pripremljeni uzorci su bili podvrgnuti ispitivanju metodom mjerenja kontaktnog kuta kako bi se odredilo je li površina hidrofobna ili hidrofilna. Također se provela FTIR-ATR analiza kako bi se utvrdile promjene u kemijskom sastavu površine polimera. Rezultati mjerenja metodom kontaktnog kuta su pokazali da je površina pojedinih uzoraka postala hidrofobna nanošenjem nekih od silana na uzorke. FTIR-ATR analizom utvrdilo se kako su se formirale Si-O-Si veze na površini polimera. Nadalje, korištenjem veće koncentracije silana na površini polimera nastaje deblji sloj zbog kojeg su apsorpcijske vrpce jačeg intenziteta.
Abstract (english) Silanes are silicon based compounds which can react with inorganic and organic substrates or between themselves. By the reactions of hydrolysis and condensation silanes are binding to inorganic substrates, while by the reactions of endcapping, radical grafting and copolymerisation silanes are binding to organic substrates. Silane coupling agents are organosilanes which are capable of creating strong chemical bond between organic and inorganic materials. They are being used because they enhance the chemical resistance of the bond across the interface. Their application is: surface modification, adhesion promotion, as dispersing/hydrophobing agent, crosslinking agent and many more. The most important application for this thesis was modification of hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of surfaces. Hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity are determined by measuring the contact angle of water droplets on the substrate surface. If the contact angle (θ) is greater than 90° the surface is hydrophobic, but if it is smaller than 90° the surface is hydrophilic. This thesis examined the influence of silanes on on the surface properties of selected polymers. While conducting experiments the main aim was to bind a thin layer of silane on the surface of polymer, which would make the surface hydrophobic. Samples of polymers PE-HD, PE-LD, PLA and ABS were dipped in silane solutions of different concentrations. Silanes used were Dynasilan DAMO, SIVO 160, SIVO 214 and 6490 from Evonik, 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyldimethylchlorosilane from abcr GmbH (PFODMCS), Erdal Water Stop from Werner & Mertz, Bama Power Protector from S.C. Johnson Bama GmbH, Rain-X Rain Repellent from Rain-X and Anti Aqua from Steuber GmbH. Prepared samples were investigated using the contact angle method in order to determine if the surface is hydrophobic or hydrophilic. FTIR-ATR analysis was implemented to determine changes in chemical composition of polymer surface. The contact angle method results showed that the surface of certain samples became hydrophobic by applying some of the silanes on them. FTIR-ATR analysis shows that Si-O-Si bonds were formed on the surface of polymer. Furthermore, if the higher concentration of silanes is used, then thicker layer is formed on the surface, which causes amplification of the absorption band's intensity.
silanska sredstva za vezivanje
kontaktni kut
Keywords (english)
silane coupling agents
contact angle
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:149:474472
Study programme Title: Environmental Engineering - Graduate study Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka ekoinženjerstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka ekoinženjerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Repository of Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology University of Zagreb
Created on 2020-05-26 13:04:46